Office Files of Ambrose Caliver, ca. 1946–1962


Office Files of Ambrose Caliver, ca. 1946–1962


This series consists of records maintained by Ambrose Caliver during his career as the Office of the Commissioner of Education and the Office of Education's specialist in Higher education for African Americans, as Assistant to the Commissioner, and as Chief of the Adult Education Section in the Bureau of Adult, Vocational, and Library Programs. Included are correspondence, memorandums, minutes of meetings, proceedings of conferences, speeches, articles, and reports concerning Caliver's liaison work with organizations involved in the education of African Americans. The records document the Office of Education's work in formulating national educational policy and in cooperating with state, local, and private institutions on educational matters. Also included are portions of Caliver's report prepared at the request of the U.S. Attorney General regarding the feasibility of implementing a Supreme Court decision for the desegregation of schools.

4 linear feet, 7 linear inches

eng, Latn


SNAC Resource ID: 11673600

National Archives at College Park

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